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    Lithospheric structure under the Dabie orogen and another model of exhumation of UHP rocks
    YUAN Xue-cheng, LI Shan-fang
    2008, 35(4): 565-576.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic affinity of the Wusushan Group in the central segment of the Qilian orogen
    DING Sa-ping, PEI Xian-zhi, LI Zuo-chen, LIU Shao-feng, LI Rui-bao, LI Gao-yang, LIU Zhan-qing
    2008, 35(4): 577-589.
    Abstract PDF
    SHRIMP zircon dating of the Zijinshan pluton in southwestern Fujian and its implications
    ZHAO Xi-lin, MAO Jian-ren, CHEN Rong, XU Nai-zheng
    2008, 35(4): 590-597.
    Abstract PDF
    Late Cretaceous to early Paleogene strontium isotopic stratigraphy in the Gamba area, Tibet
    WANG Xi, WAN Xiao-qiao, LI Guo-biao
    2008, 35(4): 598-607.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological and geochemical characteristics and genesis of the Caledonian Wanyangshan granite in the Nanling Mountains, South China
    WU Guang-ying, MA Tie-qiu, FENG Yan-fang, YAN Quanren, LIU Fu-guo, BO Dao-yuan
    2008, 35(4): 608-617.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry and tectonic environment of the Xiongshangou intrusion in the West Qinling
    WEN Zhi-liang, ZHAO Ren-fu, WANG Wen, WANG Feng, GUO Zhou-ping
    2008, 35(4): 618-627.
    Abstract PDF
    Redefinition of Caledonian and Hercynian regional metamorphism in the Baihaba-Chonghu'er district, northwestern Altay, Xinjiang
    PENG Dong, XU Sheng-lan, LIN Li, PENG Bo, WANG Xian-feng, XIE Yun-xi
    2008, 35(4): 628-638.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics and protoliths of the marble rock group of the khondalite series in the Daqing Mountains, Inner Mongolia
    BI Ming-li, LU Lai-jun, Zhao Qing-Ying, Liu Zheng-Hong
    2008, 35(4): 639-647.
    Abstract PDF
    Middle-Lower Ordovician lithostratigraphy in the Hangzhou area, Zhejiang
    LUO Yi-da, YU Guo-hua, ZHANG Yan, LIANG He, CHEN Xiao-you, WU Ming
    2008, 35(4): 648-655.
    Abstract PDF
    Revision and classification of Paleogene fluvial-lacustrine strata in the Pinglu area, Shanxi
    ZHU Da-gang, MENG Xian-gang, SHAO Zhao-gang, LEI Wei-zhi, WANG Jin, HAN Jian-en, YU Jia, LV Rong-ping, WANG Yan
    2008, 35(4): 656-669.
    Abstract PDF
    Magnetic properties and relevant minerals of late Cenozoic sediments in the Yangtze River delta and their implications
    WANG Zhang-hua, ZHANG Dan, LI Xiao, TAO Shi-kang, XIE Yan
    2008, 35(4): 670-682.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary environment of Neogene laterite records in the Xihe basin, Inner Mongolia
    SUN Li-ming, YANG Yong-biao, WU Yun-xia, FANG Xiao-feng, LI Lu-hua, LI Yao-chen, ZHAO Yong-feng, TIAN Li-fu
    2008, 35(4): 683-690.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics of the Xinbei oilfield and their controls on hydrocarbon accumulation
    FU Zhao-hui, CHEN Fa-jing, LI Min, SHI Pi-tong, MIN Fei-qiong
    2008, 35(4): 691-698.
    Abstract PDF
    Medium-term datum plane cycle and coal-accumulating processes of the Eocene Hulin Formation in eastern Heilongjiang
    LI Yang-chun, YANG Xiao-ping, JIN Zhe-yan, HAO Yong-hong
    2008, 35(4): 699-705.
    Abstract PDF
    40Ar/39Ar isotopic dating of the Longshang tin-polymetallic deposit, Xitian orefield, eastern Hunan
    MA Li-yan, FU Jian-ming, WU Shi-chong, XU De-ming, YANG Xiao-jun
    2008, 35(4): 706-713.
    Abstract PDF
    Source of ore-forming materials and mineralization of the Dajing Cu-Sn polymetallic deposit, Inner Mongolia
    NIU Shu-yin, SUN Ai-qun, WANG Bao-de, LIU Jian-ming, GUO Li-jun, HU Hua-bin, XU Chuan-shi
    2008, 35(4): 714-724.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological and geochemical characteristics and genesis of the Baishaziling tin deposit, Guiyang County, Hunan
    ZENG Zhi-fang, ZENG Zuo-xun, ZENG Yong-hong, ZHOU Jian-lin, HU Cai-Zhi
    2008, 35(4): 725-737.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of gaseous hydrocarbon in gold exploration of the Huachanggou gold deposit
    ZHANG Miao-miao, CHEN Yuan-rong, ZHANG Zhi-wei, LI Lin-hua
    2008, 35(4): 738-745.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of thermoelectric properties of pyrite in gold exploration in the Shihu gold deposit, western Hebei
    CAO Ye, LI Sheng-rong, AO Chong, ZHANG Hua-feng, LI Zhen-zhen, LIU Xiao-bin
    2008, 35(4): 746-753.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry of carbonatite in the Muluo REE deposit, Sichuan
    ZHU Zhi-min, ZHENG Rong-cai, ZHOU Jia-yun, CHEN Jia-biao, SHEN Bing
    2008, 35(4): 754-761.
    Abstract PDF
    Position prediction of lead-zinc-silver polymetallic deposits in northwest Hebei based on the fuzzy logic method
    LI Sui-min, YAO Shu-zhen, HAN Yu-chou, HAO Hua-jin, CHEN Shu-qing, LI yong-feng
    2008, 35(4): 762-769.
    Abstract PDF