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    The abiogenetic petroleum origin hypothesis and its application in China
    YUAN Xue-cheng, LI Shan-fang
    2012, 39(4): 843-854.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological features, ore-forming processes and exploration potential of the Arctic Circle and its neighboring region
    NIE Feng-jun, SHI Cheng-long, ZHAO Yuan-yi, LI Zhen-qing
    2012, 39(4): 855-870.
    Abstract PDF
    Metallogenesis of two types of late Early Yanshanian granitoids in South China: Case studies of south Jiangxi and southwest Fujian
    ZHAO Xi-lin, LIU Kai, MAO Jian-ren, YE Hai-min
    2012, 39(4): 871-886.
    Abstract PDF
    Genesis and metallogenic significance of the Indosinian intermediate-acidic intrusive rocks in the west porphyry belt, Zhongdian island arc, Yunnan
    DONG Yi, LIU Xian-fan, DENG Jiang-hong, LI Chun-hui, Yi LI-wen, ZOU Jin-xi, HUANG Yu-peng
    2012, 39(4): 887-899.
    Abstract PDF
    A discussions on the Cryogenian-Cambrian tectonic-sedimentary event and tectonic setting of northern Tarim Basin
    ZHOU Xiao-bei, LI Jiang-hai, FU Chen-jian, LI Wen-shan, WANG Hong-hao
    2012, 39(4): 900-911.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic unit division and Neo-Tethys tectonic evolution in north-central Myanmar and its adjacent areas
    WANG Hong, LIN Fang-cheng, LI Xing-zhen, SHI Mei-feng, LIU Chao-ji, SHI Hong-zhao
    2012, 39(4): 912-922.
    Abstract PDF
    The distribution regularity of sand bodies in Chang-6 Member of Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Fuxian area, Ordos Basin
    Li Guo-xin, XU Sheng-lin, CHEN Hong-de, CHEN An-qing
    2012, 39(4): 923-930.
    Abstract PDF
    Paleo-weathering crust at the top of Sinian Dengying Formation in northern Guizhou and its petroleum exploration significance
    LIU Jia-hong, YANG Ping, WANG Zheng-jiang, ZHUO Jie-wen, DU Qiu-ding
    2012, 39(4): 931-938.
    Abstract PDF
    Carboniferous-Permian sedimentary facies characteristics and paleoenvironmental reconstruction in northeast Jizhong depression
    CHEN Fu-yan, LIANG Hong-bin, DING Wen-long, QIAN Zheng, FU Jing-long
    2012, 39(4): 939-946.
    Abstract PDF
    Depositional features of the fan delta from lower Cretaceous Kezilesu Group in Yecheng sag, southwestern Tarim Basin
    HOU Gang-fu, SUN Xiong-wei, LI Chang, LIU Qun, ZENG Qing-lu, XIONG Ran, CAO Quan-bin
    2012, 39(4): 947-953.
    Abstract PDF
    The sedimentary facies of Callovian-Oxfordian Stage in Amu Darya basin, Turkmenistan
    XU Wen-li, ZHENG Rong-cai, FEI Huai-yi, SUN Zi-jin, WANG Qiang
    2012, 39(4): 954-964.
    Abstract PDF
    Genesis of freshwater limestone of Paleogene Nadu Formation in Nakun area, Baise Basin
    XIAO Ling, ZHENG Rong-cai, WEI Qin-lian
    2012, 39(4): 965-971.
    Abstract PDF
    The characteristics and evolution of Youjiang terrace, Bose Basin
    ZHANG Kun, LI Xi-guang, LI Zhi-yong
    2012, 39(4): 972-977.
    Abstract PDF
    The mantle source noble gas from underground brine of the Lop Nur in Xinjiang and its scientific significance
    BO Ying, LIU Cheng-lin, JIAO Peng-cheng, YE Xian-ren
    2012, 39(4): 978-984.
    Abstract PDF
    Fluid inclusion and organic geochemistry characteristics of the Bashibulake uranium deposit in Kashi Sag, Xinjiang
    HAN Feng-bin, CHEN Zheng-le, CHEN Bai-lin, LI Xi-gen, LIU Zeng-ren
    2012, 39(4): 985-998.
    Abstract PDF
    The exploration and prognosis in the depth and the periphery of the Jinchangyu gold deposit in eastern Hebei
    NIU Shu-Yin, LI Feng-You, CHEN Hua-Shan, SUN Ai-Qun, WANG Bao-De, WANG Jin-Zhong, MA Bao-Jun
    2012, 39(4): 999-1006.
    Abstract PDF
    The metallogenic system of porphyry-skarn type Cu ,Mo(Au) polymetallic deposits in Geza island arc of Yunnan Province
    LIU Xue-long, LI Wen-chang, YIN Guang-hou
    2012, 39(4): 1007-1022.
    Abstract PDF
    Research on the alkali metasomatic veins in skarn of the Shizhuyuan W-Sn polymetallic deposit
    CHENG Xi-yin, ZHU Xin-you, WANG Yan-li, LI Shun-ting, HAN Ying
    2012, 39(4): 1023-1033.
    Abstract PDF
    Stratigraphic characteristics of the Cambrian Qingxudong Formation in relation to lead-zinc mineralization in western Hunan-eastern Guizhou area
    TANG Zhao-yang, DENG Feng, LI Kun, DUAN Qi-fa, ZOU Xian-wu, DAI Ping-yun
    2012, 39(4): 1034-1041.
    Abstract PDF
    Trace element characteristics of sediments in Jianghan Basin:Implications for expansion of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River
    YUAN Sheng-yuan, LI Chang-an, ZHANG Yu-feng, SHAO Lei, WANGg Jie-tao
    2012, 39(4): 1042-1048.
    Abstract PDF
    The development process and technique of the mineral resources potential evaluation data model in China
    ZUO Qun-chao, YANG Dong-lai, YE Tian-zhu
    2012, 39(4): 1049-1061.
    Abstract PDF
    Researches on metallogenic remote sensing information extraction and metallogenic prediction in Zhulazhaga area of Inner Mongolia
    LIU yin-fan, CHEN Jian-ping, HAO Jun-feng, LIANG Li-xin, CUI Lai-wang
    2012, 39(4): 1062-1068.
    Abstract PDF
    The application of multi-source information fusion based on remote sensing to ore prospecting prediction in southern Yongzhou of Hunan Province
    LEI Tian-ci, CUI Fang, YU Feng-min
    2012, 39(4): 1069-1080.
    Abstract PDF
    The study and application of ANN to the Modeling of underground water content forecast
    SONG Hong-wei, SHI Jian-sheng, LIU Ji-chao, ZHANG Yi-long, XIA Fan, MIAO Qing-zhuang
    2012, 39(4): 1081-1086.
    Abstract PDF
    A tentative discussion on the application of the public version of 1:250 000 topographic map to 1∶250 000 geological map
    KANG Jian, WANG Qian-ju, YAN Shi-qiang
    2012, 39(4): 1087-1093.
    Abstract PDF
    An analysis of impact of sediments on heavy metal enrichment in halobios of the Jiaozhou Bay
    ZHANG Chun-rong, WU Zheng-long, GAO Zong-jun, PANG Xu-gui
    2012, 39(4): 1094-1098.
    Abstract PDF
    Diatom assemblages from surficial sediments in north-central Bohai Bay and their implications for environments
    SHANG Zhi-wen, TIAN Li-zhu, WANG Hong, LI Jian-fen
    2012, 39(4): 1099-1107.
    Abstract PDF
    An analysis of the sources of heavy metals in atmospheric dustfall of Shijiazhuang City
    CUI Xing-tao, LUAN Wen-lou, LI Sui-min, SONG Ze-feng
    2012, 39(4): 1108-1115.
    Abstract PDF