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    Exudative metallogeny of the Hadatu sandstone-type uranium deposit in the Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia
    LI Ziying, LIU Wusheng, LI Weitao, LI Xide, QIN Mingkuan, CAI Yuqi, ZHANG Yunlong, HE Sheng, WU Qubo, QIU Linfei, LIU Chiheng, ZHU Pengfei, JI Hongwei, GUO Jian
    2022, 49(4): 1009-1047. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220401
    Abstract PDF
    Definition, classification, observation and monitoring of natural resources and their application in territorial planning and governance
    FU Yujia, TAN Changhai, LIU Xiaohuang, SUN Xingli, YUAN Zemin, ZHENG Yiwen
    2022, 49(4): 1048-1063. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220402
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics and evaluation of ecological environment and human health of selenium in soil-crop-human system in Shuangyang River Basin, Heilongjiang
    LIANG Shuai, DAI Huimin, LIU Guodong, ZHAI Furong, LIU Kai, HAN Xiaomeng, SONG Yunhong, ZHAO Jun, ZHANG Zhehuan
    2022, 49(4): 1064-1074. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220403
    Abstract PDF
    Glomalin-related soil protein distribution and its relation to mineral weathering in the wetlands along the Bohai Sea, China
    ZHOU Pan, YE Siyuan, WANG Jin, YU Changbin, YUAN Hongming, PEI Lixin, DING Xigui, YANG Juan, Hans Brix
    2022, 49(4): 1075-1087. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220404
    Abstract PDF
    Formation mechanism of metasilicate mineral water in Chengde, Hebei Province: Evidence from rock weathering and water-rock interaction
    SUN Houyun, SUN Xiaoming, WEI Xiaofeng, CHEN Ziran, LIU Wei, HUANG Xingkai, LI Xia, YIN Zhiqiang, LIU Wenbo
    2022, 49(4): 1088-1113. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220405
    Abstract PDF
    Land use change and ecosystem effect in typical coastal zone of Yangtze River Delta in the last 20 years
    LI Meina, YIN Ping, DUAN Xiaoyong, DONG Chao, CAO Ke, YANG Lei, CHEN Xuanbo
    2022, 49(4): 1114-1126. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220406
    Abstract PDF
    Water resources utilization and eco-environment problem of Fenhe River, branch of Yellow river
    SHEN Haoyong, LI Jia, WANG Zhiheng, XIE Hao, LIANG Yongping, XU Yongxin, HAN Shuangbao, REN Jianhui, PAN Yaoyun, ZHAO Chunhong, ZHAO Yi
    2022, 49(4): 1127-1138. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220407
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of groundwater resources of karst areas in the Southern China and water resources guarantee countermeasures
    XIA Riyuan, LU Haiping, CAO Jianwen, ZHAO Liangjie, WANG Zhe, LUAN Song
    2022, 49(4): 1139-1153. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220408
    Abstract PDF
    Subdivision of tectonic units and its metallogenesis in Xinjiang
    FENG Jing, ZHU Zhixin, ZHAO Tongyang, CHEN Zhengle, GU Xuexiang, MENG Guixiang, XU Shiqi, TIAN Jiangtao, LI Ping
    2022, 49(4): 1154-1178. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220409
    Abstract PDF
    Regional metallogeny and resource potential of gold deposits in North China
    FU Chao, DANG Zhicai, LI Junjian, Zhou Shumin, NI Zhenping, PENG Yi, SONG Lijun, ZHANG Tong, HOU Zhanguo
    2022, 49(4): 1179-1197. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220410
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry of pyrrhotite in the Jiama deposit, Tibet and its relationship with gold enrichment and precipitation
    YANG Zhengkun, YANG Yang, ZHANG Zhongkun, LIN Bin, HE Jian, ZHANG Zebin, GAO Futai, TANG Xiaoqian, TANG Pan, QI Jing
    2022, 49(4): 1198-1213. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220411
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution and occurrence of Cs and other rare elements in contact metamorphic rocks of X03 supergiant deposit in Jiajika, Sichuan and its comprehensive utilization suggestion
    LIANG Bin, FU Xiaofang, LI Shihong, TANG Yi, PAN Meng, HAO Xuefeng
    2022, 49(4): 1214-1223. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220412
    Abstract PDF
    Metallogenic mechanism of alkalinesyenite in Dazhuang Nb-REE deposit, Fangcheng, Henan Province
    LI Shanpo, QIAO Xinxin, CHEN Junkui, ZHENG Kai, PAN Xiaona, WU Xiangke, ZHANG Shaobo, ZHANG Rongzhen, GAO Chuanbao1
    2022, 49(4): 1224-1235. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220413
    Abstract PDF
    Ore mineralogical characteristics of Sansui uranium deposit in Guizhou Province, China and indication for prospecting
    JIN Zhongguo, LIU Kaikun, ZHENG Minghong, LUO Kai, YANG Shengfa, CHUN Guo, WANG Qiong, FAN Yunfei
    2022, 49(4): 1236-1249. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220414
    Abstract PDF
    Comprehensive information prospecting model for Jianzhupo antimony polymetallic deposit in Wuxu Mine Field, Guangxi
    LIU Wei, HUANG Lishan, DING Rufu, XU Wenjie, HU Qiaofan, ZHOU Shouyu, ZHAO Yi
    2022, 49(4): 1250-1261. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220415
    Abstract PDF
    Shale gas reservoir-forming conditions and exploration prospecting in the Cambrian Hetang Formation of southwestern Zhejiang and northeastern Jiangxi Province
    SHAO Wei, HUANG Zhengqing, LI Jianqing, ZHOU Daorong
    2022, 49(4): 1262-1274. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220416
    Abstract PDF
    Controlling effect of Shaximiao Formation fault on gas accumulation in eastern slope area of Western Sichuan Depression
    FAN Saihua, XIE Hui, LI Binwen, LIU Yuan, LI Weiping, XU Weina, ZHAO Hu, MOU Lei
    2022, 49(4): 1275-1284. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220417
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery of the Jurassic strata of organic-rich source rocks under the Middle Proterozoic thrust-nappe in Niuyingzi depression, westhern Liaoning Province
    SUN Qiushi, ZONG Wenming, WANG Sijia, SUN Shouliang, LI Yongfei, GAO Xiaoyong, ZHANG Tao
    2022, 49(4): 1285-1294. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220418
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of granodiorite in the Litang area of Sichuan and its volcanic arc magmatism accretionary wedge
    YAN Songtao, WU Qingsong, TAN Changhai, LIU Longqiang, ZHANG Yong, LI Yusheng
    2022, 49(4): 1295-1308. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220419
    Abstract PDF
    Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions of volcanic rocks in Eastern Liuzhou, Guangxi: Constraint for source characteristics of magmas
    WEI Chunxia, LU Gang, YANG Feng, LI Wei, ZHONG Fengyun, JIN Jingjie, PAN Yiwen, LIANG Lijie, BAI Xiao
    2022, 49(4): 1309-1322. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220420
    Abstract PDF
    Petrogenesis and its implications for the lithospheric thinning of the Wushijiazi pluton in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia
    SHANG Yongming, LI Xiaowei, ZHU Xinyou, ZOU Tao, HUANG Xingkai, CHENG Xiyin, WANG Li, WANG Shuxing
    2022, 49(4): 1323-1345. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220421
    Abstract PDF
    The first record of dinosaur eggs from the Qianshan Basin of Anhui Province, China
    CHEN Zhongliang, HE Qing, ZHANG Shukang, CHENG Xiaoqing
    2022, 49(4): 1346-1347. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220422
    Abstract PDF
    Carboniferous shale gas obtained by well QND-1 in the northwest of Yadu-Ziyun-Luodian Aulacogen
    GAO Peng, LIN Tuo, YUAN Kun, JIN Chunshuang, CHEN Xianglin, WANG Wenbin
    2022, 49(4): 1348-1349. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220423
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery of Late Permian granites in Wushi Sag, Beibuwan Basin: Evidence for zircon U-Pb age from cores of Well Wushi 1
    ZHENG Herong, LUO Jun, ZHANG Ying, FENG Jianyun, ZENG Yan, WANG Mingchuan
    2022, 49(4): 1350-1352. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220424
    Abstract PDF
    A new type of Nb-Ta mineralization discovered in the Neoarchean Anshan-type iron deposit of the northern North China Craton
    LI Lixing, LI Houmin, FU Jianfei, MA Yubo, YAO Yuzeng, LUAN Jinpeng
    2022, 49(4): 1353-1354. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220425
    Abstract PDF
    The first discovery of large coking coal in Triassic strata of Jingtai Basin, Gansu Province
    WANG Hongxia, LIU Yonggang, MA Sibi
    2022, 49(4): 1355-1356. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220426
    Abstract PDF
    A summary table of 126 acts/policies/standards related to carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the world
    MA Bing
    2022, 49(4): 1357-1360. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220427
    Abstract PDF