Ore deposit types related to Maficultramafic rocks
Graphical Abstract
Abstract:This paper summarizes recent research results and introduces ore deposit types and mineralization related to rocks. The dominant minerals under discussion Maficultramafic Vanadictitianomagnetite Coppernickel, are, chromite, magnetite, PGE, cobalt, gold, magnesium, apatite, diamond, asbestos, vermiculite, gemstone and jade. The genetic types of ore deposit Involved are mainly the magmatic type (including magmatic differentiation, magmatic injection, magmatic liquation and magmatic explosion), hydrothermal type, skarn type, metamorphic type, volcanic eruption type, supergene type (including weathering crust and placer deposits) and composite type. For convenience of mineral exploration and based on types of Orebearing MAF Icultramafic bodies, combined with the genetic types and tectonic setting of ore deposits, the ore deposits related to rocks may be classified into Maficultramafic three major ore deposit types, i.e. those associated with plutonic rocks, hypabyssal rocks and extrusive rocks, and several subtypes. The major types, geological characteristics, genetic features and case hist Ories of the ore deposits are introduced in details. Finally, on that basis, the mineralization related to the rocks are discussed at the Maficultramafic following four levels: (a) polymineralization of single deposits (b), different deposit types and mineral assemblages of one complex (c), association of different Maficultramafic rock suites, and (d) paragenetic relatio Nships with rock suites. Nonultramafic.