国土资源部公益性行业科研专项(200911043-03)和山东省地质勘查科研项目(鲁勘字[2006]15号) 联合资助。
程 伟 沈 昆 于学峰 王 强 于雷亨 瞿友兰. 流体包裹体爆裂法在山东焦家金矿深部找矿中的潜在应用[J]. 中国地质, 2012, 39(1): 205-217.
CHENG Wei, SHEN Kun, YU Xue-feng, WANG Qiang, YU Lei-heng, QU You-lan. The potential application of the decrepitation method of fluid inclusions to the exploration of deep-seated gold deposits in the Jiaojia gold belt, Shandong Province[J]. Geology in China, 2012, 39(1): 205-217(in Chinese with English abstract).